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Intent, Implementation and Impact


Here at Crook Log, we want to provide all children with the opportunity to develop their artistic skills. Our school – wide progression of skills enables children to cover a number of strands including; drawing, painting, colour, form, line, pattern, print, shape, tone and texture throughout the year.

At Crook Log, we want to provide all children with the opportunity to express themselves through art and as well as developing their creative knowledge we want the children to develop their knowledge and understanding of artists from around the world. The teaching we use has been developed to enable children to develop their ability, nurture their talent and interests as well as learning about the rich heritage and culture of the British Isles and beyond.

We want to ensure that the children have the opportunity to use a range of materials creatively and to develop a range of art and design techniques and we want the children to feel comfortable expressing themselves artistically.




•      At Crook Log, skills are taught in a progressive way and are developed year on year to ensure that the children develop their art knowledge and skills.

•      There are opportunities for reflection at the end of each lesson of both their work and their peers, ensuring that all work is celebrated and the children have a sense or pride in their work.

•      Creativity and independent outcomes are robustly embedded into the units, supporting students in learning how to make their own creative choices and decisions, so that their outcomes, whilst still being knowledge rich are unique to the pupil and personal.

•      Our Art curriculum is oftern linked cross curricularly and embedded throughout different topics, this ensures that teaching  and learning are engaging and balanced.



Within art and design here at Crook Log, we enable to ensure that the children are involved in the evaluation, dialogue and decision making about the quality of their outcomes and the improvements they need to make. Throughout their time here, children learn to understand and employ the key principles of art; drawing, painting, colour, form, line, pattern, print, shape, tone and texture. There are opportunites to refine and develop these skills through effective sequencing of lessons and through progression between year groups.

At Crook Log, we believe that pupils should leave primary school equipped with a range of techniques and the confidence and creativity to form a strong foundation for their art and design learning in KS3.

School displays reflect the children’s pride in their work and this also demonstrates how art is used across the wider curriculum, showing  the subjects high status in our school.