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If your child was born between 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020, you should apply for a primary school place during the period 1 September 2023 and 15 January 2024. 

You must apply online via the Bexley Council website.

Families new to the school will be visited at home prior to starting. Crook Log staff will also liaise with previous preschool providers to ensure that information regarding your child is transferred to their new school teacher. 

All new reception children will be invited to visit their class on two occasions during the summer term and we welcome parents to stay for the first of these sessions. Children will also receive a ‘staggered start’ to prepare them for their longer school day. The normal time scale for this is around 7 days.

An information afternoon is also held for all parents to explain what happens when your child starts school and to address any worries you may have. Dates and times regarding the information afternoon will be communicated to all new admissions when confirmed. 

Our current Admissions Policies can be found here:  Admissions Policies

Visit Crook Log 

We would love for prospective parents and carers to visit the school so that you can feel the warm, friendly atmosphere for yourselves and meet some of our children and staff. Our visit dates are:

12th November 9:30

14th January 9:30am


Please telephone the school office on 0208 303 9203 to book yourself onto a visit date.

Don't hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions about our school and its suitability for your child. 


Children are admitted to the Crook Log Nursery in the September following on from their third birthday. 

Once admission has been confirmed, children will be subject to a ‘staggered start’. This allows Nursery teachers to provide your child with the individual attention they need to help them settle quickly, grow in confidence and feel comfortable in their new stimulating learning environment. 

You must apply online via the Bexley Council website.

Click here to see the powerpoint about nursery 30 free hours

 In-Year Admissions/ Waiting List

If you need to apply for a school place for your child after the normal points of entry or because you have just moved to the area, you should complete an In-Year Primary Application. You can do so by visiting the Bexley Council website.

Bexley Council also holds the waiting list for Crook Log Primary School. Please contact them if you wish your child to be added to our waiting list. 

Oversubscription Criteria

When more children apply for places than are available at the school, priority is given to children who are: children of staff members, looked after children, children who have a statement of special educational need or EHC plan and children who have a brother or sister already attending the school. The remaining places are allocated to those children who live closest to the school.

ASD Provision

The school has 8 places within its resourced provision for children with ASD. These numbers are within the school admission numbers. Admission to the provision is only available to those children who have Crook Log Primary School ASD Provision named on their statement of SEN or EHC plan, and only when a vacancy is available.

 Click here to see our resource provision admissions policy