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Sports Premium

Sports Premium

Each school receives extra sports funding through Sports Pupil Premium.

In our school this will amount to £19,360.

At Crook Log we feel that this is the most resourceful and effective way to guarantee our children’s education in the future and their physical development. We intend to use the additional funding to improve confidence amongst staff in the delivery of high quality PE lessons across the school and ensure children have a very good understanding of healthy lifestyles. We will be continuing to train support staff including Mid-day supervisors on active lunchtimes to continue positive healthy lunchtime activities. 

The focus for the academic year 2023-2024 is:

  • CPD for all teaching staff to increase their range of skills
  • Collaboration with specialist teachers of Physical Education
  • Improving existing resources/equipment for teaching PE.
  • Updating our planning and resources.
  • Use of outside agencies to deliver family workshops that promote healthy lifestyles
  • Training for support staff including Midday supervisors on active lunchtimes.
  • Increasing participation in school sport.
  • Employment of external coaches to provide opportunities for children to compete (i.e. in tournaments and fixtures between the local cluster primary schools).
  • Introducing Key movement skills inKS1.
  • The impact will be measured by:
  • Increased participation in PE and Sport, including links to local clubs and organisations.
  • Assessments of pupils’ skills and development in PE.
  • A greater confidence in planning and delivery of high quality PE lessons.
  • A deeper understanding of the expectations of the new Primary PE curriculum, including a focus on fitness and health.
  • Organising activities for children and parents around the idea of "Change for Life", this includes healthy eating as well as the importance of physical fitness.


This year we plan to spend the sports funding on:

  • £15,000 on CPD/ Coaching
  • £2000 on equipment
  • £2000 on improving lunch times and training play leaders.

Important documents

Click here for details of our clubs

Click here for action plan 2023-2024

All impact of the funding can be found on the ACTION PLAN.

Swimming data 2022-2023.docx

Action plan 2023-2024.docx